History of the Northern Fibres Guild
A brief History...
The Northern Fibres Guild had its origins in 1974, when a group of weavers met in October 1974 in Whitehorse to form the Yukon Weaver's Guild. The group held its first workshop a few months later, which was a 3-day workshop on weaving with 4-harness looms led by Julie Aldis. In 1977, the name was changed to the Whitehorse Weavers' and Spinners' Guild. The group continued to diversify to include a broad range of fibre arts and in 1984 the name was changed to the Northern Fibres Guild, which was adopted along with a new constitution.
Records of the organization are maintained through the Yukon Archives. Below is a summary of two aspects of past guild activities: workshops led by outside artists, and membership of the executive committee (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) over the years. These notes were compiled by Jill Johnstone in 2018 (currently up to 2010). Let us know if you find something missing or can fill in the existing gaps in our records!
Records of the organization are maintained through the Yukon Archives. Below is a summary of two aspects of past guild activities: workshops led by outside artists, and membership of the executive committee (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) over the years. These notes were compiled by Jill Johnstone in 2018 (currently up to 2010). Let us know if you find something missing or can fill in the existing gaps in our records!
Workshops with External Artists2024 - Embroidered landscapes with Betting Matzkhun (Vancouver)
2023 - Katazome Workshop with Brian Whitehead (Japan) 2020 - Creative Studio (Natalie Grambow, BC) - canceled 2018 - Tapestry Weaving (Jane Kidd, BC) 2016 - Shibori (Jane Callender, UK) 2013 - Felting (Tammy Deck, Chicago) 2012 - Beads in Knitting (Flo Flory, Toronto) 2009 - Vintage Fashion Show (Ivan Sayer) 2009 - Twined Knitting/Seamless Arans (Beth Brown-Reinsel, VT) 2007 - Extreme Warp Makeover (Robyn Spady, WA) 2005 - Needle Felting/Laminated Felt Scarves (Pat Sparks) 2004 - Knitting Intarsia/Embellishment (Lucy Neatby) 2003 - Spinning 3-Ply, Alpaca, and Silk (Diane Cross) 2001 - 2 Colour Glove Knitting (Shirl the Purl) 2000 - Block Rug Weaving (Jason Collingwood) 2000 - Clothing from Felted Sweaters (Judith Bird) 1999 - Color and Spinning (Deb Menze) 1998 - Knitting Ganseys (Beth Brown-Reinsel) 1998 - Creative Clothing (Anita Meyer) 1996 - Persian Carpets/Spinning Techniques (Judith Mackenzie) 1996 - Rug Weaving (Jane Evans, Saskatoon) 1994 - Sheep Fleece (Cyril Lieschke, Australia) 1993 - Weaving (Nona Yates) 1991 - Color and Design (Bryn Pinchin) 1988 - Rug Weaving (Bryn Pinchin) 1987 - Advanced Tapestry/Color Patterns in Tabby Weave (Katherine Dickerson) 1986 - Weaving Fabric for Interiors (Diane Mortenson, Vancouver) 1985? - Rag Weaving (Catherine Mick, Victoria) 1985 - Beginner Tapestry (Barbara Heller, Vancouver) 1984 - Weaving Clothing/Spinning Exotic Fibres (Wendy Bateman, Ontario) 1980 - Double Weave/Color & Design (Inese Birstins, Victoria) 1979 - Weaving/Dying/Ikat/Tapestry (Jane Kidd, Calgary) 1978 - Weaving (Kathy Dickerson, Calgary) 1977 - Weaving (Diane Mortenson, Vancouver) 1976 - Weaving (Pirkko Karvonen, Edmonton) 1975 - Weaving on four harness looms (Mineke Mees, Vancouver) |
Executive Committee DIRECTORSBy year: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer 2024: Jill Johnstone, Janice Brodie, Toos Omtzigt, Nicola Hanna 2023: Marilyn Smith, Simone Rudge, Carla Brehmer, Nicola Hanna 2022: Jill Johnstone, Jean Carey, Carolyn Steele Lane, Nicola Hanna 2021: Barbara Bowen, Wendy Nixon, Jean Carey, Toos Omtzigt 2020: Barbara Bowen, Wendy Nixon, Jean Carey, Toos Omtzigt 2019: Jill Johnstone, Wendy Nixon, Simone Rudge, Toos Omtzigt 2018: Jill Johnstone, Carman Lam Brar, Judy Tomlin, Susan Clark 2017: Kate Williams, Carman Lam Brar, Judy Tomlin, Susan Clark 2016: Kate Williams, Andrea vandenHoek, Wendy Nixon, Susan Clark 2015: Ingabritt Scholve, Andrea vandenHoek, Carolina Logan, Nicola Hanna 2014: Carla Pitzel, Jessica Vallenga, Ingabritt Scholve, Simone Rudge 2013: Carla Pitzel, Jessica Vallenga, Meghan Callan, Simone Rudge 2012: Judith Voswinkel, Jessica Vallenga, Heather Grant, Meghan McGuire 2011: Judith Voswinkel, Barbara Scheck, Alison Sisson, Linda McConnell 2010: Jean Carey, Judith Voswinkel, Heather Grant, Linda McConnell 2009: Jean Carey, Barbara Bowen, Gail Roberts, Gail McKechnie 2008: Barbara Bowen, Sylvia Preto, Gail Roberts, Gail McKechnie 2007: Sarah Overington, Gail McKechnie, Gail Roberts, Sheila Ramsay 2006: Ann McKenzie, Sarah Overington, Gail Roberts, Jean Carey 2005: Judith Voswinkel, Jill Johnstone, Gail Roberts, Jonathan Henkelman 2004: Mary Armstrong, Lynn Stewart, Mary Martin, Muffy Macdonald 2003: Mary Armstrong, Lynn Stewart, Mary Martin, Muffy Macdonald 2002: Barbara Bowen, VP vacant, Ann Mackenzie, Jean Carey 2001: Janice Brodie, Cornelia Tegart, Susan Ross, Manon Desforges 2000: Ann Mackenzie, Barbara Bowen, Barbara Adam, Manon Desforges 1999: Kate Williams, Jill Johnstone, Susan Ross, Janice Brodie 1998: Diane Paquette, Debbie Thompson, Susan Ross, Donna Butterwick 1997: Barb Bowen, Jennifer Brett, Jonathan Henkelman, Jill Johnstone 1996: Barb Bowen, Janice Brodie, Judy Forrest, Susan Stuart 1995: Janice Brodie, Mary Armstrong, Lou McCrae, Marion Amyotte 1994: Janice Brodie, Mary Armstrong, Lou McCrae, Marion Amyotte 1993: Jean Carey, Simone Rudge, Carole Williams, Lou McCrae 1992: Debbie Verhalle, Simone Rudge, Johanne Filion, Carole Williams 1991: Mary Armstrong, Simone Rudge, Diane Paquette, Carole Williams 1990: Judy Forrest, Janice Brodie, Ann Mackenzie, Kate Williams/Jean Carey 1989: 1988: Lynn Brayall, Gill McDougall, Johanne Filion, Jean Carey 1987: Barbara Scheck, Wendy Chambers, Gill McDougall, Janice Brodie 1986: 1985: 1984 - 1986: Christine Boyd, Barb Grant, Ann Mackenzie, Clara Sharp 1983: Anne Turner, Lauraine Chambers, Clara Sharp, Kate Williams 1982: Wendy Chambers, Christine Boyd, Freda Maylor, Birgitta Rasmussen 1981: Wendy Chambers, Christine Boyd, Marilyn Bowlby, Lea Underwood 1980: Val Hodgson, Lo Dunkley, Marcia Wallace, Kate Williams 1979: Anne Turner, Wendy Chambers, Penny Ferbey, Kate Williams 1978: Val Hodgson, Lo Dunkley, Marcie Wallace/Freda Maylor, Kate Williams 1977: Diane Wykes, Solveig Ardiel, Penny Ferbey, Anne Turner 1976: Diane Wykes, Chris Nielson, Diane Macdonald, Patricia Mueller 1975: Julie Aldis, Marijke Kerkhoven, Diane Wykes, Chris Nielson 1974: Founding meeting |