The book I am referencing is Filz Geschichten by Annette Quentin-Stoll und Robert Quentin. MaroVerlag is possibly the publisher and everything in it is in german. Yay, Google Translate!
This project creates 9 samples; all done very simply with little tweaks that advance from one sample to the next. I read them all, put the book down and then used my own methods, my knowledge of resists and prefelts and made my own samples. I added buttons, free motion quilting and other decorative stitching.
Cool, huh?!
Well, that was last year. This year, I returned to the original book, re-translated it and was again in awe with how 9 little projects were made and advanced. I had been inspired, but I also missed the point. This little project had a lot to teach and was enough completely as is. I'm struggling to find the right words, so here it is, everything I love about felting in one little package. Will make a great gift too.
Well, that was last year. This year, I returned to the original book, re-translated it and was again in awe with how 9 little projects were made and advanced. I had been inspired, but I also missed the point. This little project had a lot to teach and was enough completely as is. I'm struggling to find the right words, so here it is, everything I love about felting in one little package. Will make a great gift too.