By Nicola Hanna
I got inspired to get into crocheting again after Toos presented some of her pieces done in Tapestry and Tunisian Crochet at the November 2020 meeting. I ordered one book each for these two techniques and a couple of weeks ago bought the yarn at Itsy-Bitsy. Their website is really well set up to determine beforehand what one wants to have a closer look at right at the store, which simplifies and speeds up the process of buying wool under the current circumstances.
I just finished a bag in Tapestry Crochet which is now on its way to my sister in Portugal!
I got inspired to get into crocheting again after Toos presented some of her pieces done in Tapestry and Tunisian Crochet at the November 2020 meeting. I ordered one book each for these two techniques and a couple of weeks ago bought the yarn at Itsy-Bitsy. Their website is really well set up to determine beforehand what one wants to have a closer look at right at the store, which simplifies and speeds up the process of buying wool under the current circumstances.
I just finished a bag in Tapestry Crochet which is now on its way to my sister in Portugal!

The bag is done from the bottom up, starting with a round piece of leather with holes punched into, through which the first single crochet stitches are made. Then you work your way in rounds to the top.
I made a single shoulder strap and used a mule deer antler tip for a clasp as a northern touch to the southern bag!
This last photo shows the inside of the bag with the crossed yarns - one gets a pretty good idea why it is called Tapestry Crochet!